Doula Cafe

It’s time for the next Doula Cafe!

The next Doula Cafe will be on Wednesday 1st June and it’s free to join!  It will be at the Tokyu Plaza Starbucks (6th floor) in Harajuku, from 10:00-12:00.  The Tokyu Plaza is on the Meiji Dori/Omotesando crossing.

This time, we’ll be talking about relaxation and breathing techniques during labour – how your breath and the way you breathe can help you manage your contractions more effectively.

If you’re considering using a doula for your birth or like to find out how a doula can benefit you (and your spouse/partner) during pregnancy and labour, please join us!  There’ll be a lot of time for questions 🙂

There is no need to rsvp and simply turning up is fine, although it would be helpful if you did email me to let me know if you hope to join (here).   If it’s not raining, I’ll be outside on the terrace!

See you there!